Thursday 20 June 2013

Running Pregnant Questions Answered

Hey everyone!

It's been a while since I've really spoken to my experiences running while pregnant. Now at 38 weeks, I have safely reached full-term and have two weeks left until the ever closer due date. I've been asked many questions along the way that I hope I can clarify, touch upon, or answer for you in this post.

1. Does your stomach move around a lot when running? 

To be honest I don't even notice my stomach while running. It moves with my body the way it always has and I don't feel it swaying any which way. One thing that I have noticed is that prior to pregnancy my stomach, despite hot weather, would still be cool to the touch. However now, my stomach is always warm when I touch it.

2. Do you feel your baby move when running?

I have felt the baby move once during a run and that was during the 'Chilly Half Marathon' I did back in the winter. At that point in the run I was hungry and in need of replenishment. As soon as I took my gel I felt great and the baby was quiet again. I honestly think running soothes her to sleep, hence why I don't feel her when running.  I do however feel her when I go on walks.

3. Do you wear a belly band/belt for motion control while running?

My sister actually gave me a band/belt around week 28. She is very active in her job of coaching and doing choreography for figure skaters. She mentioned that she needed to wear the band/belt during the last few weeks of pregnancy and thought that I also might need it. I haven't had to use it yet because I feel quite comfortable and my stomach hasn't dropped...I might need to use it when or if my stomach drops for more support. I'm grateful I have the option. 

4. Do you have to pee constantly when running? How often do you have to stop?

I've been very fortunate in this area, while I have many close friends who do need to stop constantly to release the pressure they feel. I can run on average about 10km before I need to stop. Most of the time if I'm doing a 10k loop I make sure to have a portaloo (I know pretty gross but if you gotta go you gotta go) somewhere on route just in case. In my neighbourhood I'm lucky because the majority of parks in Richmond Hill do have portaloos on site.

5. How often and how far do you run?

These numbers have varied pending on work and events happening but I typically have kept to running 4-5 days out of the week. My distance has changed as pregnancy has progressed. I was doing a lot more distance at the start and middle than I am now at the end. Usually one long run a week used to be 30k or more where as in the last few months 10ks are my long runs. I used to also do one track workout a week that focused on speed/sprints and again after my half marathon I had to slow down. I now put in about 25-35kms a week. For those thinking in miles I do around 18 a week now at the end.

6. Do you feel any pain when you run?

I have never felt any soreness or pain during my running with the exception of in the last two weeks I sometimes will get little pulls in my groin that happen sometimes while running, sitting, and or walking. It's like a little shootings pain that disappears as quickly as it came. I did ask my doctor about this and she says it's quite common and due to the body preparing itself for delivery. Stretching and all that good stuff! 

In the last few weeks I do now get a bit sore after my running. It's a muscle tiredness that I typically would experience after pushing hard in a race like a full marathon. I'm fully recovered after sleep but when I run a longer distance and work in the same day I am knackered by the time I get home.

7. What other kind of workouts do you do?

Yoga and I also have been consistently doing weights 2-3 times a week. My trainer, Brandon Crowe designed my weight program and has made changes to it along the way based on my feedback in how I was doing. The program I'm currently adhering to has me alternate between an upper body day and a lower body day. It varies week to week. I try to do my weights MON, WED, FRI. Some weeks based on time and running races it will be SUN, TUE, THUR. This allows more time to recover before a race on a Sunday. On race weekends I might even make it a 2 days of weights week. 

Yesterday was my upper body day and this is what was included:
WORKOUT B: Triceps/Back/Biceps/Chest/Rear Delts Focus

Exercise 1: 

Head supported two arm triceps kickback (as you can see in the picture below this time I did it without my head supported since I didn't have that option outside).

Sets: 3
Reps: 15
Tempo: 3-0-1-0 (down slow, up fast. Perform exercise down for 3 seconds, immediately bring exercise up in 1 second, and repeat)
Rest: 40s (seconds between each set)
Comments: Strict form, elbows high, forehead resting on the back of a chair for support (these are my trainers comments to me)

Exercise 2: One Arm Dumbell Row

Sets: 6
Reps: 7e, 14e, 21e, 7e, 14e, 21e
Tempo: 3010
Rest: 40s
Comments: Decrease the weight as you increase the reps, keep the weight hte same from your first wave of 7,14, 21 as your second wave of 7, 14, 21

Exercise 3: Seated Biceps Curls - hammer up and curl down

Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Tempo: 3010
Rest: 40s
Comments: Seated with palms facing each other curl the weight up, at the top turn the weight so that your palms are facing upwards, lower the weight until your arms are straight and then turn the weights again so your palms face each other, repeat

I did mine outside yesterday so again I modified it by taking the sitting part out...I'm very focused as you can see! 

Exercise 4: Body Weight Pushup on toes or knees, hips down (straight from top of head to knees)

Sets: 3
Reps: MAX
Tempo: 3010
Rest: 40s
Comments: Strict form and do not push pass where it is uncomfortable 

I always start this one from my toes and do as much as I can before continuing on my knees

Exercise 5: Head Supported Bent dumbbell laterals - superset

Sets: 2 
Reps: 15
Tempo: 3010
Rest: 0
Comments: Head on the back of a chair for support, raise the weights with straight arms

For these ones I just bent without the head supported but typically I would do this one when in a gym with the support of a bench

Exercise 6: Seated Side Dumbbell Laterals-superset

Sets: 2
Reps: 12
Tempo: 3010
Rest: 40s
Comments: Sit down with arms by your side and raise the weights with straight arms to shoulder height

I did mine again without the support this time, hence why I'm standing...My arms appear super long in this picture! 

Exercise 7: Abs: Front Plank 30s on and 30s off for 5 minutes

If you have any further questions, please share in the comment section. I will make sure to tackle them along with the lower body workout next time. 

Talk soon unless the baby comes :) 

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