About Me

That's me rounding the last corner to finish my first trail race. Smiling because I know I was hooked and ignoring my gremlin who was saying..."How in the world do people do this 25k loop? Twice!! There's no way". "There's always a way" my true self was saying. Now I can't wait to take on that 50k challenge in 2014.

My name is Calea and I'm here to share my experiences of pushing the boundaries in my physical endeavours while navigating my mental hurdles. We all have them and I hope my learnings may help motivate, and inspire all you readers to get beyond your own barriers.

My obsession with the sport of running began after I finished my fourth year of collegiate soccer for Graceland University in Lamoni, Iowa. I was used to two-a-day practices and a life of soccer that when it ended I felt lost. My teammate and good friend Amy asked me to do the Kansas City 'Hospital Hill Half Marathon' with her and I did. This experience gave me a runners high that is burning brightly.

Triathlons became part of my goals while working at lululemon athletica in 2010. In less than one year later, my friends and family pitched in to buy me my first ever road bike for my birthday. YES FOR REAL! It was the biggest surprise and they did it with the intention of supporting my summer 2012 goal of doing a try-a-tri. That goal became a reality last summer! THANK YOU THANK YOU thank you to all my dear friends and family for that.

Between the running and triathlons I fell in love with books by my hero, Dean Karnazes and felt very inspired to get on a trail and to get a little dirty. Even more so after meeting him at the Boston Marathon, April 2013.

2013 has continued to be a big year, my husband Kevin and I welcomed our first daughter IYLA SKYE into the world. Motherhood is now my number one priority and a large contributor to my blog.

The final piece of my blog includes an ever growing passion and now career of Leadership Coaching. In 2011 I began courses in co-active coaching with CTI ( The Coaches Training Institute) and gained my certification in 2013. In Coaching I guide highly motivated individuals to gain a mental edge in their field, to achieve their peak performance. Please feel free to visit my facebook page at 'Souter Leadership Coaching' to learn more.

My goal is for this blog to grow with me like a rolling rock gathering moss.

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