Sunday 26 August 2012

SeaWheeze lululemon Half Marathon Part 2 of 2

Post-Race Celebrations!!

After finishing the half marathon I tried to find Kat, Tara and Yolande. These are 3 of my friends that were racing. There were so many participants, making it difficult to spot them. I began getting pretty hungry so I decided to go get my bag from bag check then hit up the buffet for runners.

Where you pick-up your bag there was a massage station to get rubbed down after. I decided I’d come back to that after eating.

For the race we all had to wear a bracelet that said, “I runcouver”. This bracelet replaced the traditional race bib, and got participants into all the post race events. I thought this was clever but I still wish there would’ve been a bib so we could have official race photos.

Here’s a picture of the finishing medal that I spoke about in part 1 of 2 of my postings.


The best post race food I’ve ever seen was provided for this day. There were several different station areas to get granola bars, fruit skewers, waffles, and more. lululemon had cheeky sayings to go with each station. I feel for this section pictures are better than word so take a look for youself:

The finished product!


In the food area I caught up with some amazing ladies that ran and we got a photo together. For many of them it was their first half marathon and they killed it…ALL accomplishing their time goals.

To my right is ‘Bulging Biceps Tara’ (your biceps are my goal!!), ‘Yager Yolande’ is in the blue to my left, she was a rifle in this race.  Kalon Kat is in the pink second from the left and she used that inner goddess to finish strong all while smiling.
After eating we were all feeling pretty tight so we followed the pink mats…

to get our stretch on with some yoga.

The yoga took place in an open grass area overlooking the water where planes were taking off and landing. Whoever went to this spot for yoga had an opportunity to work with a yoga teacher specifically for them and or the group you were with. They were there to support you with positions and modifications to stretch out what needed to be stretched.

Kat enjoying the sun in her face while stretching.

All smiles from Yolande who didn’t want to take that medal off! What an accomplishment.

I’m posing in downward dog, mimicking the mountains behind me! The warm sun felt so good on the skin. After this last stretch we were ready for some entertainment.
Later, after showering up and snacking, Kat and I arrived back at the convention centre area to watch ‘Hey Ocean’ and ‘FUN!’ perform.

‘Hey Ocean’ was so good that I later downloaded their whole album. Great tunes for running and I love their older albums too. They have a hipster, jazzy type sound. In their newer album it’s a bit more pop…with great beats.

Between bands, Tara on the far right spotted ‘Chip Wilson’. He is the very kind, humble, and lovely founder of lululemon who was very generous and was more than happy to get a photo with us.

‘FUN!’ took the stage as the final band. Just look at that stage and the location. Can it get any better? I don’t think so. I had so much fun listening to them perform and danced the whole time.
To wrap up the night, I enjoyed some great Italian food, and well earned Sangria.
I believe this half marathon is one that is only going to get better and I look forward to doing it again one day!!!

Shout-out to my body for recovering so nicely and to my awesome trainer Brandon Crowe who I believe has helped me with my strength so that I can tackle many crazy race courses and recover at a very fast rate. Check him out at:

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