Sunday 14 July 2013

Blisters 2 Bliss

Happy Sunday All!

Over the past week and weekend I've had common questions sent my way with regards to obstacles seen when beginning running and how to fix, solve and or rid the obstacles.

I want to take the time to acknowledge all of you out there who have started running. It can be a daunting process! But lacing up, getting out there and doing it - is the first step. 

Now for the newbie runners, be warned there are some things that can come with the sport that have affected us all at some point or other. I'm going to do my best in this post to share these problems, symptoms, causes, effects and my own remedies for them (please remember I am no doctor and this is my personal opinion). 

Symptom: Fluid filled bumps that resemble bubbles on the upper layers of skin
Cause: Rubbing/friction due to shoes and or socks against skin. Other things that can cause the blistering from running can include an increase in pace, running for long periods in damp or wet socks, and an increase in temperature may lead to swelling and increased moisture.
Effect: Temporary pain when running till blister heals. Might disturb running gate or pattern, creating a new realm of issues. If blister splits or opens, infection could follow. 
Remedy: I've always gone a half size up in my running shoes to account for the swelling that takes place. I do recommend when starting to go to a proper running store to buy your shoes and get fitted. Great stores for this include: The Running Room, and Running Free. Before long runs and races I also use BodyGlide (its like a deodorant stick made to put on susceptible areas to prevent chafing) on areas parts that are more prone to blistering (ends of toes, and backs of heels).

Symptom: Toenails are bruised (pooling of blood around or beneath toenail), discoloured! sensitive to touch, can leak fluid, and you may sense a pulsing or throbbing in toe.
Cause: Stubbing it while running. Your shoes may be too tight. Running a lot of downhills can jam toes forward causing more friction against top of shoe, and increased pounding over longer distances.
Effect: Can cause extra sensitivity but generally from those I've spoken to, it's not too painful, and certainly manageable. 
Remedy: Shoes with a larger toe box, BodyGlyde, and if you want to drain the blood you can use a disinfected needle to make a hole but this will not help the problem. Note* A bruised and damaged toenail will in all probability die and fall off after a few weeks to be replaced by a new nail growing beneath.

Thank-you Kevin for showing us your bruised toes after Creemore Vertical Challenge (happened due to snug footwear, and many downhill pounding).

Problem: CHAFING
Symptom: Rash/bleeding/friction burn from rubbing/friction most commonly seen underarms, between thighs and for men typically seen around nipples (sorry guys!).
Cause: Friction of skin on product, and or skin against skin. Can also be caused due to wet or moist clothing irritating the skin.
Effect: Soreness that can get so uncomfortable that you may need to stop and or bite the bullet to continue your run. Bloody nipples cause severe discomfort and slight embarrassment (once again, sorry guys!)
Remedy: BodyGlyde (hopefully many of you now see how valuable this product is and have already decided to go out and buy it tomorrow), petroleum jelly, nip guards, and BandAids. What you wear is also a big element of chafing. Clothes that are made with technical fabrics and are designed to wick away sweat will dry quickly, eliminating moisture and reducing chafing. 
A must have in the toolkit for any runner of any level and ability

Problem: HOT SPOTS
Symptom: Extreme heat (burning pain) in a pocket area of your foot or toes, most commonly found on the ball of the foot.
Cause: Occurs when you're not evenly distributing your weight through your foot, so the ball of your foot takes more of the load during the workout. 
Effect: Modified run pattern, causing lack of technique and symmetry. 
Remedy: Tape the hot spot prior to running. Wear a sock that allows proper ventilation in those areas. Consider new shoes that are properly fitted to suit your own foot pattern.

Symptom: Sudden urge to hit a restroom, lot's of stomach movement and/or cramping. Unsure of what will happen if you don't stop. 
Cause: Increase of distance, change in diet, eating too close to a run, overeating, spicy food, and/or trying new fuels and liquids while on route.
Effect: Sore stomach, interruption of run, and discomfort. 
Remedy: Watch/track what you eat and keep a consistency before your long runs. For instance I know my body now and that I need to stay away from sausage/red meat and anything with mild spices at least two days before a long run. 

Problem: BURN OUT
Symptom: Out of breath, exhausted mentally and physically. Drained!
Cause: Going out too fast too soon with a lack of pacing. In a race it can be due to the momentum around you with other runners going so quickly out of the gate. Keep in mind the fable of the Tortoise and the Hare! Slow and steady wins the race!! 
Effect: Lose motivation and enjoyment. Struggle to last on runs, and experience a lack of energy to finish strong on a run/race. 
Remedy: Wear a watch and stick to the pace planned and/or create a pace plan (You may need to play around with this to find one that works for you). Run with a partner and/or at a talking pace. 
Please be sure to consult a doctor if you have any concerns and/or your problems persist.

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