Monday 28 January 2013

Frigid Weather Running...What is it Good For?

Yesterday I awoke to another extremely cold Sunday. I don't know what I was expecting because I had checked the weather the night before and knew it was coming.

After eating my classic English muffin with peanut butter I turned on the weather network one last time to decide what to wear for the next few hours of my 19k. As predicted it would be -12 at the start of my run at 8:30am with temperatures rising to -4 by 4:00pm. In the two hour span of my run the temperature would only raise a few degrees so off to my wardrobe I went.

Now getting ready for cold weather running is probably my least favourite thing. Not only is it time consuming it's a complicated process. You don't want to dress to warm and overheat on the run and or not wear enough and be cold and just wishing you were warm the whole way. I typically overdress more than I underdress knowing I can always take a layer off. For the -12 I decided to wear my trusty 1. compression tights that are fleece lined 2. my run latte socks (higher rise socks to mid calf) 3. wool long sleeve, 4. thermal fleece lined pullover and my 5. run bundle up jacket. Accessory wise I wore my 6. Ear warmer and 7. Fleece running room mittens. 8. sunglasses and On my feet I had my 9. Nike Frees on. I had to wait till last minute to get on my jacket or else I'd overheat in my house.

Next was nutrition for this chilly endeavour. I've tried shot blocks, granola bars and jelly beans. All tend to be really hard for me to chew so in this temperature I stuck to my trusty GU. This is actually one of my favourite parts of frigid cold running because I can have my favourite flavours of GU (peanut butter, mint chocolate, and chocolate raspberry). During the summer these flavours tend to be too thick for me to digest.

The last two weeks of cold long distance runs I've felt average when running. With barely a wind against us this week I felt like I was back to my self with a bit more spring to my step. The sun was out and bright and this was an instant mood lifter to me as I drifted into day dreams during the run of the summer run weather that lies ahead. I also had my ever ready side kick Garmin back on my wrist thanks to my hubby letting me borrow his extra watch strap.

The warm and fuzzies of the cold day:
-no overheating
-burned extra calories and worked my muscles harder because of the extra snow traction
-completed 19k at a quicker pace than I've been running in the last two weeks at shorter distanced
-refreshing in the crisp air
-self satisfaction after completing a run despite the chills but us Canadians have come to expect the for 5 months of the year
- I now have an excuse to get a new pair of traction shoes
-us runners got to run on the main road vs. sidewalk because less people out driving in the weather

My pearls of wisdom:
-avoid Nike frees (what I struggled in) when snowy and put on your trail or traction shoes. Another great option is purchasing yak tracks or traction accessory to go over your shoe.
-beware that your camelback suction/mouth piece might freeze the water remaining between drinks and you might have to warm it up in your hand before drinking
-pay attention to where you are running because there are many areas that aren't salted and slippery with black ice
-wear sunscreen, the sun reflects off the snow and the sun is still strong
- wear Vaseline on your cheeks or face so you don't get windburn
-be prepared to lose layers, hence wear layers you can easily take off and carry

Garmin Stats:
19.2k in 1hr50min average 9:16mile
Mile 1: 9:37
Mile 2: 9:27
Mile 3: 9:19
Mile 4: 9:15
Mile 5: 9:01
Mile 6: 9:22
Mile 7: 8:31
Mile 8: 9:11
Mile 9: 9:17
Mile 10: 9:30
Mile 11: 8:52
Mile 12: 10:01
Mile 13: 8:45

I'm out!

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