Sunday 20 January 2013

Run Baby Run


Hey Everyone! It's been 4 months since I last wrote on this blog, and just over 4 months of pregnancy with my first child. 

In the past 4 months I am blessed to say that baby and I have been feeling great. I've slowed down on the running. What I mean by slowing down is that I cut my distance and my pace down. Instead of running 5-6 days a week I am down to 3-4 days a week mixed with yoga. 

What's new with training:

I joined a training group called 'Personal Best' ( that I've been training indoors with every Tuesday for speed work. They are a fantastic group of people who are there to train for triathlons, marathons, and ironmans. Each person comes with so much different experience and energy that is encouraging. On these evenings we do speed work each week with yoga afterwards. Leading the running program on Tuesday's is the AMAZING Sean Bechtel.
He's an exceptional professional triathlete and a wealth of knowledge. Check out what he's up to at his blog:

On Sundays I am now running with the 'Running Room' ( in Thornhill, MY FIRST RUN CLUB. What's SO COOL about the Running Room is that they offer these free run club runs every Wednesday and Sunday evening. Sundays are the long running days for the Running Room and everyone involved meets at the store prior to the 830am start time. There are lot's of runners and different pace leaders depending on the distance you want to do. I've currently been running with the marathon group and we have done 16k the last two weeks. I've learned that I really enjoy doing long runs with others. I've always trained by myself and this brings a whole new element to it. I love that everyone here high fives one another after the running and takes the time if they can to get a coffee (tea for me) afterwards at the local Starbucks. 

My thoughts on running with a baby:

Since becoming pregnant not much changed right away till this last month. I've now experienced a few new things such as having to find new running gear...yes a new bra. I went from the lifestyle of not having to worry about the bra I wore, to seeking out a bra with adequate support for my heaving tatas. Who would've thought! I found success in that department with the help of lululemon athletica. 

The other realm of experiences has been around shortage of breath when climbing hills and recovery time has lengthened after my pace quickens. Running with others and no music in my ears has allowed me to really listen to my body and become aware of everything and anything I feel. Maybe the best advice I was given was to "listen to your body, your body knows best". I make sure now to stay at a conversational pace and I haven't been wearing my watch as much so that I don't get competitive with myself. The last thing that started for me this week during my running was the sensation of feeling like my bladder was full when it wasn't during a run. I know it wasn't because as soon as the run was over I felt fine and that feeling went away. Looks like the baby is sitting in a new spot, oh wait...OR getting bigger than before, my poor bladder!

Well that's it for me for now. I will update you all tomorrow on my long run I did today and my upcoming races with baby Souter. 

Keep Running! 

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