Wednesday 13 November 2013

Running and Breastfeeding...What Gives?


Okay so this post won't be for everyone, sorry! I've been asked by many moms and soon to be moms how I do my long runs since I breastfeed. Yes a breastfeeding type of post. This is the cue to exit if you don't want to hear more.

I am a breastfeeding mom who logs many miles. When I am out on a long run, over 12 miles I have bottles pre-pumped ready to go. Now that doesn't exactly answer the questions and/or give you the details. Here are some questions answered:

What does your schedule look like between pumping, feeding and running? 

The average day...(EASY method style)

7am-Iyla wakes and eats (one side)..I pump on the other side 150ml 
730-9am- activity time (I leave to run any mileage under 12miles and I'm back before her 10am feed)
9-10am-nap time

10am-Iyla eats again
1030-12pm-activity time
12-130pm-long nap

130pm-Iyla eats
130-3pm-activity time
3-4pm-nap time

4pm-Iyla eats
430-6pm-activity time
6-7pm-get ready for bed/bath time/eat/sleep

1030pm-I pump both sides before bed...about 200ml

As you can see I typically have many bottles pumped. Once I pump I put the milk in a freezer safe bag. On my long run days...

Love my medela double pump...Always results in many bottles full by the end of the day!
  • I get up before Iyla at 6am and take the milk out of the freezer and place it in the fridge for Kevin (he later warms it up by placing the bag in a bowl with warm water). 
  • I eat my breakfast, pump one side, get my run clothes on and feed her on the other side before Kevin takes over and I am out the door by 730am
  • He has 2 bottles ready to go. One for her 10am feed and one for her 130pm feed. 
Love that Iyla's holding her own hands here

Do you get engorged when running? Don't you need to pump? How are you able to be gone so long?

Strangely enough when I do my long mileage I don't fill up the same (my boobs stay the same ha). So no need to pump on the go, thank goodness. What I do do is leave an extra bottle for for Kevin (hence why above he has 2 bottles ready to go) even though I'm back early enough to feed her. I find the long running depletes my milk production till about 4pm.

Therefore when doing long milage have 2 bottles ready to go for your significant other, baby-sitter or whoever is watching your wee one. 

What did you do the day of your marathon since you ran faster?

Race day I had enough bottles pre-pumped for the full day because I didn't know how depleted I would be. I was more depleted than I find myself on long run days by an extra feed. I could feed her again in the evening for her bedtime feed.

Therefore on marathon race days, have 3 bottles pumped! Scratch that, have 3 minimum pumped...I don't know what it will look like for you. I figure it's better to have more pumped just incase, thats why I had 5 bottles that day ha. 

Do you wear breast pads when you run incase you leak?

I wore pads for the first week of running but found very fast I didn't need them. Like I mentioned earlier my boobs don't seem to change while running. I found the only time I would leak would be when I'd come in the door, Iyla would smell/hear me talking to Kevin, cry and the leaking would start. It's crazy what the body does...My strategy around this is when I come in the house I sneak in, go straight upstairs to roll out/stretch before having a quick shower.

So I haven't worn breast pads since week 1 of running post baby and no leaking!!!

Hopefully this blog answered some of your questions and you feel more comfortable leaving out the door for your long runs.

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